Wednesday, April 27, 2016

LRD First Post!

Yes I typed blog into google. Even worse things have been googled.
b l o g
Blog. Blog? Blog?! What's a blog? What is it? Like what is it REALLY? Cause I wanna start one. I mean I want to start one in the sense that I would like to write and put stuff out there. So I want to make sure that what I was doing is proper. I wasn't looking to be a journalist, I'm not looking to be a researcher, I'm not looking to be a statistician. I just wanted a place where I could comfortably write, write, and write some more. Just churn out content for the sake of letting my thoughts flow and mark them in coherent sentences. So I thought that maybe writing a blog might be good. I've never followed or read any blogs before though. So when in doubt you turn to the internet. (Be cautious when doing so) And so; I googled what a Blog is. B. L. O. G. 

It actually originates from the term WebLog. I suppose Blog sounds better than just Log or Wlog, although Wlog sounds like a pretty fun word. (Trying saying Wlog 5 times fast.) I pronounce it as "Wuh-Lawg. Hard L. Like you flick your tongue as a whip in pronouncing it. Words are cool okay. There's one thing that I find particularly interesting about the dictionary definition for what a Blog is; it's written in an informal or conversational style. Now I'm not an uncultured swine that lives under a rock (just a swine); I've been aware of blogs for a while now but haven't actively followed them. I didn't really see the appeal in writing away in what seemed like an online diary. They seemed to be a little juvenile in nature but I am definitely not one to judge. Blogs and articles of the casual format seem to offer a lot of insight on a particular subject. I think that by dismissing normal objectivity in standard journalism these blog posts allow a more defined view on a topic at the price of being largely opinionated. Professional thesis analysis won't come off from these types of sources but there is still a lot to gain from reading what a certain individual may think.

me irl on a lazy Sunday
(Real Life Representation)

So as you can see I've changed my stance on blogs. I mean I AM writing one as of this moment. It's a little selfish in nature of how I changed my view as it's due to the fact that writing a blog is convenient to me and my interests. There comes a moment in every individual's life where he or she wants to yell out loudly and exclaim to the world some amazing ideas. I always bite my tongue and let the moment simmer away as my brain sizzles under the whirling storm of thoughts. Now sometimes I might write down my thoughts or just let them marinate in my brain. I like to think that I have good things to say and that maybe that should be shared with the world. I'm not trying to sound arrogant or elitist but well I'd like to be heard on some topics of discussion dammit! I've done a lot of listening, following, and obeying. I haven't really stopped to just think for myself or try to really understand something so that it's more than just a command. It hurts when your brain is a hurricane and you want it all released. But unfortunately I'm not in the proper position to comfortably just "let it go".

Frozens seasons are opposite from Game of Thrones. Winter came and isn't leaving
Using Frozen gifs what is this 2013

I'm experimenting with the insertion of pictures and image files into this blog post. (It's pretty fun) I hope that this doesn't feel too much like a BuzzFeed post. shudders. This first post took several days to compile. It was a mixture of my inexperience to the field and my anxiety of being a coward to let my thoughts out to be "public". But let's be honest. Who's really going to be reading this I wonder? Probably just myself if I ever want to think back to these times. Those that put themselves out to be judged by the public eye have my respect. This is nerve wracking.

This is how I imagine each and every one of you
How I imagine readers
Well here's to the best of this. This page is merely just a starting/test post for me to get into the mood of trying this. Don't expect anything from this simple page. Think of it as a simple prologue in a fantasy book. The one where you don't understand what's happening at all because no setting or characters have been established yet but halfway through the book you understand what all the hoo-rah was about at this moment.

Alright then.

Let's do this.

Now I'm not sure if you realized this or not but you have no idea what the content for this blog may entail. I mean this is my first post. You've stumbled miraculously upon this Blog so you might want to know what dogshit you've stepped in. All you have so far to go off of is a google definition screenshot, an overused Frozen reference and really bad writing among other things. So what's the subject of this Blog?

I guess we'll find out next week if I can write something!

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